Buzz results for the tag “Edward Jung”


540 young entrepreneurs from over 100 countries dedicated 36 hours to exploring ideas at the Global Startup Youth competition in Malaysia. Their goal: invent a mobile app solution for pressing global problems. Read More


Plugging in Green Tech

December 17, 2013

For solar energy, as for many other promising green technologies, technical progress has not translated into widespread adoption. To understand why, green-energy advocates could take a lesson from a far less glamorous technology: used cars. Read More


Yesterday, following a panel on “Innovation, Dynamism and Entrepreneurship” at the Global Economic Symposium in Germany, Intellectual Ventures’ co-founder and CTO, Edward Jung, was interviewed about what it takes to create an innovation ecosystem. Read More


Smart governments have backed some of the biggest and riskiest waves of innovation by guaranteeing demand not only for technical solutions themselves, but for the steps along the way. Read More


Everyone wants to know how to build the next Silicon Valley: an innovation hub that draws talent and capital, and that creates jobs, companies, and whole new industries. Many policymakers are overlooking an essential ingredient: demand. Read More
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